STAR Testing Begins

STAR Testing Begins

STAR TESTING – April 27 – May 18, 2010 (Grades 2-6)
The STAR Testing will begin Tuesday, April 27th for students in grades 2 – 6. These tests are very important to measure your child’s academic growth. Please be sure your child is in school each day. Please make a special effort to arrange doctor, dentist and other appointments after school.

Here are a few suggestions to help your child do his/her best.
  • Make sure your child arrives to school on time each day.
  • Give your child a nutritious breakfast each morning.
  • See that your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Arrange doctor, dentist & other appointments after school

The morning M.I.N.D. Keyboard & computer classes for 2nd grade students will not be held during the testing period. Students in 2nd grade will not need to arrive to school at 7:50a.m.

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